class UNet[source]

UNet(in_channels:int=7, out_classes:int=1, dimensions:int=3, num_encoding_blocks:int=4, out_channels_first_layer:int=10, normalization:str='batch', pooling_type:str='max', upsampling_type:str='nearest', preactivation:bool=False, residual:bool=False, use_padding:bool=True, padding_mode:str='zeros', activation:str='ReLU', classifier_activation:str='Sigmoid', initial_dilation:int=None, dropout:float=0.0, upsample_recover_orig_size:bool=True, pooling_kernel_size:Union[int, list]=[3, 3, 3], use_classifier:bool=True, verbose:bool=True) :: Module

UNets are convolutional autoencoders that were developed for biomedical image segmentation at the Computer Science Department of the University of Freiburg [1]. The network is based on a fully convolutional network and its architecture was modified and extended to work with fewer training images and to yield more precise segmentations. Our code based on

Type Default Details
in_channels int 7 The number of input channels.
out_classes int 1 The number of output classes.
dimensions int 3 The number of dimensions to consider. Possible options are 2 and 3.
num_encoding_blocks int 4 The number of encoding blocks.
out_channels_first_layer int 10 The number of output channels after the first encoding step.
normalization str batch The type of normalization to use. Possible options include "batch", "layer" and "instance".
pooling_type str max The type of pooling to use.
upsampling_type str nearest The type of upsampling to use.
preactivation bool False Whether to use preactivations.
residual bool False Whether the encoder should be a residual network.
use_padding bool True Whether to use padding.
padding_mode str zeros The type of padding to use.
activation str ReLU The activation function that should be used.
classifier_activation str Sigmoid The activation function for the classifier at the end of the UNet.
initial_dilation int None The amount of dilation that should be used in the first encoding block.
dropout float 0.0 The dropout rate.
upsample_recover_orig_size bool True Whether the original input size of the encoder should be recovered with the decoder output.
pooling_kernel_size typing.Union[int, list] (3, 3, 3) The size of the pooling kernel.
use_classifier bool True Whether to use a classifier layer at the end of the network.
verbose bool True Whether to print the user information on the neural network, for instance the number of parameters.



The forward pass of the UNet. Returns a torch.Tensor object.

Type Default Details
model_inputs Tensor The input to the UNet.

class UNet3D[source]

UNet3D(*args, **user_kwargs) :: UNet

A 3d version of our UNet. UNets are convolutional autoencoders that were developed for biomedical image segmentation at the Computer Science Department of the University of Freiburg [1]. The network is based on a fully convolutional network and its architecture was modified and extended to work with fewer training images and to yield more precise segmentations. Our code based on


[1] Falk, Thorsten, et al. "U-Net: deep learning for cell counting, detection, and morphometry." Nature methods 16.1 (2019): 67-70.