class FilteringDensityRepresenter[source]

FilteringDensityRepresenter(problem:dl4to.problem.Problem=None, filter_size:int=3, filter_fct:str='radial', binarizer_strength:float=1.0, θ_default:float=0.5) :: DensityRepresenter

A density representer that applies filtering to its latent density distribution.

Type Default Details
problem dl4to.problem.Problem None The problem object for which the density representer is used. The problem object is necessary to grant that boundary and design space constraints are fulfilled. However, the problem does not need to be passed during initializiaton but can also be passed later by overriding density_representer.problem.
filter_size int 3 The size of the filter kernel.
filter_fct str radial The type of filtering strategy that is used. Possible options are "radial", "uniform", "max_pool" and None.
binarizer_strength float 1.0 The steepness of the smoothed Heaviside-function. A binarizer strength of infinity would corresponds to a non-smooth classical Heaviside step function.
θ_default float 0.5 The weighting factor for the trivial solution density that is used as the initialization of the latent density distribution.