class EquivarianceWrapper[source]

EquivarianceWrapper(preprocessing:dl4to.preprocessing.Preprocessing=None, rotate:bool=True, mirror:bool=True, dim:int=2, rotate_twice:bool=False, sample_rate:float=1.0)

A class that represents an equivariance wrapper [1] that implements group equivariance via group averaging [2].

Type Default Details
preprocessing dl4to.preprocessing.Preprocessing None The preprocessing strategy to use. This is used in the equivariance wrapper to obtain the scalar and vector field information of the input.
rotate bool True Whether to include rotational equivariance in the transformation group.
mirror bool True Whether to include mirror equivariance in the transformation group.
dim int 2 The dimension of the transformation group. Specifically, a 2d transformation group does not consider rotations and mirrors along the z-axis.
rotate_twice bool False Whether double-rotations should be used, where the input is rotated twice, along two different axes. This may result in a larger transformation group.
sample_rate float 1.0 The rate of transformations that should be randomly sampled in the forward pass. sample_rate=1. defaults to all transformations being used in the wrapper. A smaller choice may be beneficial if memory constraints don't allow for the applications of all transformations in each forward pass.


EquivarianceWrapper.mirror_input(x:Tensor, flip_dimensions:list)

Returnes a torch.Tensor, which is a mirrored version of the input x.

Type Default Details
x Tensor The input that should be mirrored/flipped.
flip_dimensions list The dimension along which the input should be mirrored.


EquivarianceWrapper.rotate_input(x:Tensor, rotations:int, plane:list)

Returnes a torch.Tensor, which is a rotated version of the input x.

Type Default Details
x Tensor The input that should be rotated.
rotations int The number of 90° rations that should be performed. Four rotations result in the identity.
plane list On which plane the input should be rotated.



Returns a list of all group actions that are applied to an input in the equivariance wrapper.

Type Default Details
sample_rate float None The rate of transformations that should be randomly samples from the equivariance wrapper. None defaults to equivariance_wrapper.sample_rate. 1. means that all transformations are considered.



Applies the equivariance wrapper to a torch.nn.Module model object and returns an dl4to.models.EquivariantModel object.

Type Default Details
model Module The model that should be turned into an equivariant model.

class EquivariantModel[source]

EquivariantModel(model:Module, equivariance_wrapper:dl4to.models.EquivarianceWrapper) :: Module

A class that represents an equivariant model with respect to a specific equivariance wrapper.

Type Default Details
model Module A PyTorch neural network.
equivariance_wrapper dl4to.models.EquivarianceWrapper The equivariance wrapper that is applied to the model.


EquivariantModel.__call__(model_inputs:Tensor, sample_rate:float=None)

The forward method for the equivariant model.

Type Default Details
model_inputs Tensor The model inputs that are obtained as output of the preprocessing.
sample_rate float None The rate of transformations that should be randomly samples from the equivariance wrapper. None defaults to equivariance_wrapper.sample_rate.1. means that all transformations are applied in the forward pass.


[1] Dittmer, Sören, et al. "SELTO: Sample-Efficient Learned Topology Optimization." arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.05098 (2022).

[2] Puny, Omri, et al. "Frame averaging for invariant and equivariant network design." arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.03336 (2021).