
plot_scalar_field(problem:dl4to.problem.Problem, scalar_field:Tensor, data:Tensor=None, title:str=None, file_path:str=None, threshold:float=0.5, display:bool=True, camera_position:Union[tuple, list]=(0, 0.1, 0.12), show_design_space:bool=False, show_colorbar:bool=True, colorscale:str=None, show_axislabels:bool=False, show_ticklabels:bool=False, export_png:bool=False, **kwargs)

Plots a three-dimensional scalar field visualization. Returns a plotly.graph_objs.FigureWidget object.

Type Default Details
problem dl4to.problem.Problem The problem that is referred to for plotting.
scalar_field Tensor The scalar field that determines the presence or absence of voxels.
data Tensor None The data that should be represented in color on the voxels.
title str None The name of the plot.
file_path str None Path where the figure is saved.
threshold float 0.5 The threshold below which voxels are not displayed, i.e., represented as void.
display bool True Whether the figure is displayed.
camera_position typing.Union[tuple, list] (0, 0.1, 0.12) x, y, and z coordinates of the camera position.
show_design_space bool False Whether to highlight the voxels that have a design space information of -1 assigned to them.
show_colorbar bool True Determines whether a reference colorbar is displayed for the plotted voxel color values.
colorscale str None The name of the colorscale that is used for plotting.
show_axislabels bool False Whether the 3d axes are labelled with their dimensions.
show_ticklabels bool False Whether the 3d axes ticks are displayed and labeled.
export_png bool False Whether the figure is exported and saved as a png file, in addition to the standard html format.
kwargs No Content


pyvista_plot_scalar_field(problem:dl4to.problem.Problem, scalar_field:Tensor, data:Tensor=None, title:str=None, threshold:float=0.5, display:bool=True, camera_position:Union[tuple, list]=(0, 0.1, 0.12), show_design_space:bool=False, window_size:Union[tuple, list]=(800, 800), smooth_iters:int=0, taubin_smoothing:bool=True, taubin_pass_band:float=0.1, show_edges:bool=True)

Plots a three-dimensional scalar field visualization using pyvista. Returns a pyvista.plotting.plotting.Plotter object. Pyvista plotting leads to better looking visualizations than the standard plotly interface. This is mainly due to the fact, that pyvista integrates Taubin smoothing [1]. However, the pyvista interface also has its downsides: In our experiments we found that only the backend 'pythreejs' worked for us. This backend unfortunately currently does not support several basic functionalities. This includes for instance the display of color bars and plot titles as well as the option to save generated plots. Therefore, the plots need to be saved via manual screenshots. We still decided to leave this class a part of the DL4TO library, since the visualizations are much better looking for publications than the default plotly interface. it is possible that the missing features will be added in the future, if pyvista adds them to their pythreejs backend or we somehow manage to make a different backend work.

Type Default Details
problem dl4to.problem.Problem The problem that is referred to for plotting.
scalar_field Tensor The scalar field that determines the presence or absence of voxels.
data Tensor None The data that should be represented in color on the voxels.
title str None The name of the plot.
threshold float 0.5 The threshold below which voxels are not displayed, i.e., represented as void.
display bool True Whether the figure is displayed.
camera_position typing.Union[tuple, list] (0, 0.1, 0.12) x, y, and z coordinates of the camera position.
show_design_space bool False Whether to highlight the voxels that have a design space information of -1 assigned to them.
window_size typing.Union[tuple, list] (800, 800) The size of the window that displays the plot
smooth_iters int 0 The number of smoothing iterations for better looking visualizations. Note that the number of smoothing iterations can be reduced if Taubin smoothing is used. This is because it is more efficient than Laplacian smoothing.
taubin_smoothing bool True Whether to use Taubin smoothing. If False, then Laplacian smoothing is used. Taubin smoothing has the advantage that it is volume preserving, i.e., a higher number of smoothing iterations does not lead to thiner structures. Only has an effect if smooth_iters > 0.
taubin_pass_band float 0.1 The passband value for the windowed sinc filter. This should be between 0 and 2, where lower values cause more smoothing.
show_edges bool True Whether to display the edges of the underlying grid.


plot_vector_field(problem:dl4to.problem.Problem, vector_field:Tensor, title:str=None, file_path:str=None, display:bool=True, camera_position:Union[tuple, list]=(0, 0.1, 0.12), show_colorbar:bool=True, colorscale:str='Blues', show_axislabels:bool=False, show_ticklabels:bool=False, export_png:bool=False)

Plots a three-dimensional vector field visualization. Returns a plotly.graph_objs.FigureWidget object.

Type Default Details
problem dl4to.problem.Problem The problem that is referred to for plotting.
vector_field Tensor The vector field that should be displayed with 3d arrows.
title str None The name of the plot.
file_path str None Path where the figure is saved.
display bool True Whether the figure is displayed.
camera_position typing.Union[tuple, list] (0, 0.1, 0.12) x, y, and z coordinates of the camera position.
show_colorbar bool True Determines whether a reference colorbar is displayed for the plotted voxel color values.
colorscale str Blues The name of the colorscale that is used for plotting.
show_axislabels bool False Whether the 3d axes are labelled with their dimensions.
show_ticklabels bool False Whether the 3d axes ticks are displayed and labeled.
export_png bool False Whether the figure is exported and saved as a png file, in addition to the standard html format.


[1] Taubin, Gabriel. "Curve and surface smoothing without shrinkage." Proceedings of IEEE international conference on computer vision. IEEE, 1995.